Leia a frase a seguir:


"The style of French artist Paul Cezanne gave Picasso ideas for doing the cubism."


Ela significa o mesmo que:

Picasso was taught by Paul Cezanne.

Picasso was copied by Paul Cezanne.

Picasso was inspired by Paul Cezanne.

Picasso was moved by Paul Cezanne.

Picasso was followed by Paul Cezanne.

No capítulo 2, "Introdução à semântica: parte I", você estudou que esse campo da linguística possibilita a compreensão do significado das palavras. Para o estudante de Letras e futuro professor, esse conhecimento é valioso, pois nos permite fazer escolhas adequadas e variadas em nossas produções comunicativas.

Por exemplo, quando falamos em "materials", podemos relacionar a esse campo semântico palavras como "cloth" e "gold". Assim, da relação a seguir, a palavra que pode ser associada ao mesmo campo semântico é:






Read the following sentence in the active voice:

Lynn Contrucci bought a beautiful piece of jewelry.

Its passive voice is:

A beautiful piece of jewelry was bought by Lynn Contrucci.

A beautiful piece of jewelry was buy by Lynn Contrucci.

A beautiful piece of jewelry was did buy by Lynn Contrucci.

A beautiful piece of jewelry was being bought by Lynn Contrucci.

A beautiful piece of jewelry is bought by Lynn Contrucci.

Read the sentences below:

I) Gregory is quite skeptical. He doesn't believe in astrology.

II) The Supreme Court has objected of his freedom appeal.

III) Children are bored of staying home during these rainy days.

IV) School teachers thanked parents for their meeting participation.

V) Angela was happy to the news that her brother was coming back.

The sentences in which the use of prepositions is correct are:

I and IV.

I and II.

II and IV.

I and III.

IV and V.

Leia o texto, a seguir, sobre o impacto da ordem de nascimento na determinação da personalidade.

Birth Order Relationships

When did you arrive in your family? Are you the oldest child, a middle child, or the "baby"? Birth order may not be the most important factor in personality development, but we can make some generalizations.

  • If you're the oldest, you're probably: successful, conservative, self-critical, able to enjoy the company of older people.

   Parents often expect a lot from the first child. They often push them to succeed. The first child often has to grow up very fast.

  • If you're a middle child, you're probably: the one with most friends, the silent rebel against the family's values. Middle children often feel less important than their older or younger siblings.
  • If you're the youngest child, you're probably: a show-off who enjoys the limelight, often the family clown, both a charming and a rebel, creative. The youngest child often has the longest childhood.

(SASLOW; ASCHER, 2006, p. 82)

De acordo com o exposto no texto, verifica-se que:

filhos mais novos gostam de ser o centro das atenções.

filhos mais velhos tendem a criticar seus outros irmãos.

filhos do meio têm mais dificuldade em fazer amizades.

filhos do meio são menos valorizados que seus irmãos.

filhos mais velhos conquistam o sucesso por si próprios.

A aposentadoria é uma conquista almejada pelo trabalhador ao final de sua trajetória profissional. A seguir, leia reportagem sobre um alerta relacionado a essa fase da vida.


Can retirement kill you?


In 2003, Dr Harry Prosen stepped down as head of psychiatry at the Medical College of Wisconsin, but the then 71-year-old had no plans to retire. Rather, the doctor intended to focus on other “jobs” that would keep him busy.


It’s not just a love of working that has kept Prosen, now at 83, toiling away 30 hours a week as an octogenarian. He also sees keeping busy as a matter of life or death.


Prosen said he is certain that if he stopped working entirely, he would literally die not long after. In fact, a number of studies show that retirement is bad for your health.


A 2013 report, for instance, found that retirement increased the chances of suffering from depression by 40%, while it increased the probability of having at least one physical ailment by about 60%.


Texto adaptado. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 08 set. 2014.


It is possbible to infer that the main objective of the text is to:

describe how Dr Harry Prosen has been living after he stopped working.

alert its readers for the diseases that appear on the first year of retirement.

show the negative points retirement causes to the economy of a country.

demonstrate the impact of retirement on both physical and mental health.

discuss the cases of retirees who were sent to hospital due to depression.

Read the following text about the impact of the retirement on health. Consider the pronoun "it" in bold:


A 2013 report, for instance, found that retirement increased the chances of suffering from depression by 40%, while it increased the probability of having at least one physical ailment by about 60%.


Texto adaptado. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 08 set. 2014.


According to your studies in cohesion, the pronoun "it" refers to the following word:






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